Keren Elazari's 2014 TED talk helped shape the global conversation about the role of hackers and the evolution of cyber security in the information age.
As an independent voice on cyber security, Keren has contributed to Scientific American, WIRED, The Financial Times.
Keren is frequently featured in media like Forbes, The New York Times, Netflix , CNN, Fortune,, GIZMODO,
and internationally by WIRED (Japan) and Der Spiegel (Germany).
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Women In Tech
Keren Elazari contributed her story and experience to the collaborative “Women In Tech” book, published in 2016, now an Amazon Best Seller!
“Jam packed with insights from women in the field,” this is an invaluable career guide for the aspiring or experienced female tech professional” -Forbes
With contributions from hackers, gamers, analysts, and more, this is the book Game Developer Barbie would use to guide her career.” -Bustle